Social media services for small businesses!

Archive for August, 2011

Steve Jobs: the End of an Era

End of an Era

We will remember you!

Steve Jobs has been an inspiration to millions of Apple users around the globe. People will always remember the slogan “Are you a Mac or a PC?” Apple has had one of the most successful marketing campaigns of any product line. Even here in California, they go so far as to flood BART, our underground subway, with iPad2 images as far as the eye can see during their advertising campaigns. From the original slogan, “Byte into an Apple” in the 70s, to the Think Different campaign, Apple has been able to follow the trend of the times and its advertising has changed with them. They even have different slogans for their products, as well. “iThink therefore iMac” in the original iMac commercials, for instance.

Watch the original Mac commercial here… While

Apple will continue to conduct business as usual and he will still be Chairman of the Board, Steve Jobs might be coined the Thomas Edison of our times. Let’s all raise a glass to the college drop-out who became the leader of one of the largest computer companies, Apple.

Social media for the greater good

Not only are businesses and corporations using social media to promote themselves, but museums and philanthropists are also using social media as a tool to reach their target audience. Museums started to heavily use social media in 2009, according to The key is active communication with patrons, in a new way to reach out to younger audiences.

Philanthropists use social media to create their own media portals to further their efforts. They use social media to connect people with different organizations, as well as get matched to fundraisers. These activists use social media to make the world a better place.

Social media gave rise from tweets like “Just had my morning coffee!” to “This product is great…” to “We can stop hunger!” What do you use social media for?


Be smart about your social media

Every social media website is not created equally. Should you have one on every social media website out there? Probably not. Plus, you’ll go out of your mind trying to keep them all updated and keeping up with your followers. You’re actually doing them a disservice at this point.

So, which social media sites should you begin with? It all depends, really. What type of business do you have? Do you offer a service or a product? Do you own a restaurant or a movie theater, even? Different kinds of businesses benefit from different social media sites. Usually, Facebook business pages and Twitter are good platforms to start from, since just about anybody can benefit from those sites. But, should you also try one more social media site? And if so, which one?

Linkedin is a professional’s way to get “connected” to your business contacts, and hopefully create a few more. This is where people can share their knowledge and find work. A great feature of this website is connections can write recommendations to be featured on your page.

Tumblr is great for posts with lots of images, and tagging and sharing are easy to do among the Tumblr community. You can also embed your page into your website’s page. But, the site goes down often and you cannot customize it that well. Basically, if you love high graphics blogs, then this is the site for you.

Flickr is a great photo sharing website, where you can now automatically share photos to your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and WordPress account. If you have a company that would like to share photos in exciting ways, Flickr is for you.

There are many other social media sites out there, including Google +, that each have a different focus. I will help determine which ones will benefit your business the most, and take your business to that next level by reaching the most important people: your customers.